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Create Your Dream Nursery

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We love creating kid’s room decorations and we want you to enjoy them just as much as we do. We’ve put together a ton of fun tips and ideas for you to create your perfect nursery room! 

Find your theme 

Children grow up and out of things faster than you can say ‘graduate fund’. Therefore, it is important that any decorating you do for your nursery can be easily adapted to suit the ever-changing tastes of a learning and developing child. Work with a theme (we love a good theme), but it may be a good idea to adhere to your chosen motif by means of accessorising. Decorate the walls with something neutral and keep large painted murals or nursery wall stickers to a minimum. It’s easier to change your decorations than it is to alter four walls and larger nursery furniture!

Photo by 'emeliedalgren

Resist restrictive stereotypes 

Dinosaurs for a boy nursery. Unicorns for a girl nursery. This is an old-fashioned fixture and it’s a refreshing delight to throw these restrictions out of the proverbial window. Broaden your (and your child’s) horizons and choose a theme based on nothing more than how happy it makes you both feel. If your child is a little older, why not let them choose with an open-minded approach? There are also many themes that do not typically belong to either gender court. Camping, the night’s sky and outer-space are some good examples! 

Inspiration station 

Pinterest truly is a gift sent from the internet Gods. Where would we be without our little digital stations of inspiration? We are of course referring to the magical Pinterest Board. Access to thousands of images provides endless motivation for decorating projects. Discover new themes, be mind-blown by ingenious storage solutions or find out how to arts and crafts your way to creating the cutest personalised touches to your nursery. One pitfall to avoid is having too many nursery ideas. Find one theme you love and one accessory or fabric related to that theme and build around it. This will keep you focused in an overwhelming digital world offering a smorgasbord of choice.

Deck the walls 

So, after some serious swatch collecting, you’ve chosen your colour and you’re ready to get painting! Unless you’ve opted for nursery wallpaper, we recommend finding your perfect paint shade from a natural and non-toxic brand such as Nutshell Paints, just for peace of mind. If you do decide against strong theme related wall patterns or paintings, we have a wonderful alternative solution. Shelves bring a whole new level of customisation to a nursery room and you can add anything you like to represent your chosen theme without the worry of having to totally redecorate after just a year or two! Decorative wall-mounted pegs are also a great storage solution and bring pops of colour and character to the room without taking up valuable floor space.

 Photo by '' 

Cosy corner 

From nursing to story time, a comfortable chair to snuggle up in is essential. Cushions and blankets are a must to create a peaceful spot for you and your little one. Creating a set space where you can read and relax will encourage the child to always see that area as their comfort zone which is great inspiration for them to proactively read alone later in life. It’s also worth noting that the closer your cosy corner is to the cot or bed, the better for easily transitioning a post-nursing or post-bedtime story sleepy head into their bed. Another great idea is to create a ‘blackout zone’ which is tech-free. This is great for spending quality time and giving your mind and eyes a break from the glaring of screens. With older children, replace iPads with board games for screen-free family quality time. It is a good idea to encourage some creativity in this space with books, art supplies and building blocks to hand!

Photo by 'monjolicoton'

Plush play 

Soft, safe and comfortable are three key components when considering your nursery decor. Lose the cold and uninspiring play mat and replace it with something cute and fluffy to complement your chosen theme. Rugs are a helpful way to protect more permanent carpeting from the inevitable spills and other messes where your little one is playing. This ties in with the concept of interchangeable accessories for the room. If you have wooden flooring, not only can rugs add warmth, they can also soften the sounds of footsteps – certainly helpful for not waking a baby who is finally asleep after hours of crying!

Photo by 'ohlittleone_' 

Create a room you love! 

Finally, it’s important for you to enjoy creating your nursery world. You will be spending a lot of time (potentially sleep-deprived time) in this room so you want the environment to be soothing and comfortable for yourself as well as for the main inhabitant. Preparing your home for the arrival of your new family member (known as ‘nesting’), is an exciting and important part of parenthood. Use these tips along with the imagination of your inner child to balance fun and practicality and you’ll create the perfect nursery for you and your family! 

Photo by 'unicorns_and_fairytales'