16/03/2016 10:27
We’re feeling excited because it’s ten days until Mother’s Day and we have something fun to share with you! At Sass & Belle we’re all about spreading the love and we adore occasions that are devoted to making someone in your life feel special. Especially when that person is your good old ma. When we look back and think of all the things that our mums have done for us, we each create a list that’s so vast and splendid a ‘thank you’ doesn’t seem enough. But what makes it all the sweeter is your mum doesn’t do it for a thank you. She does it because she loves you! Doesn’t that just make you want to say thank you more?! At Sass & Belle we’ve created something lovely (and free) that will show your mum just how special she is this Mother’s Day…
14/03/2016 14:48
Easter is one of our favourite occasions and spring is just the loveliest time of year. We adore the abundance of flowers blooming, the lighter evenings and an excuse to eat as much chocolate as we desire (thank you Mr Easter bunny!) We relish in the freshness of springtime, including starting a massive spring clean and prettifying the home with wildflowers and new homeware pieces. This week we bring you a craft project that is perfect for Easter. We created our own ‘foliage eggs’ which are a fun & unique way to bring the beauty of spring into your own home. It’s an incredibly simple activity (if a little messy) and so, so pretty. If you want to inject some floral cheer into your home this Easter, then read on…
22/12/2015 15:45
At Sass & Belle we like to make people smile and when we envisaged making gingerbread houses we thought we'd make you smile…in a different way. While we're rather good at making pretty giftware it appears we're not quite so good at making gingerbread houses. You can't deny they're charming but they certainly aren’t the Pinterest worthy beauties we hoped they would be. If you would like to follow suite and attempt to make gingerbread houses, then please read on. As they say, it's the taking part that counts, right??
20/12/2015 15:47
At Christmas time it is all about the little details maximizing an effect and the finishing touches to make your display extra special. We don’t know about you but at Sass & Belle a huge part of our Christmas day revolves around Christmas dinner and setting the table for the big event can be extremely fun and rewarding. Especially when the guest are cooing ‘oh it looks lovely’ before they’ve even set eyes on the turkey! Here’s are some tips and tricks on how to make the Christmas table stand out.
16/12/2015 15:00
We don’t know about you but at Sass & Belle, we love Christmas decorations! We also adore sweet treats so we thought it was absolutely integral that now the festive season is upon us, we do a little DIY on edible Christmas decorations. Gingerbread is an obvious choice because of its Christmassy connotations, lasting power and, most importantly, deliciousness. Now who can resist that? Just make sure you make enough so you don’t have a half empty tree by Christmas Eve!