Honey and Oat Pancakes - A Healthy Alternative
07/02/2016 15:24

What makes these pancakes so darn healthy?
- Cinnamon – The health benefits of cinnamon are surprisingly vast. It’s loaded with antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties, and has been known to lower blood sugar levels. These are just a few health benefits among many, plus this little spice makes things taste all kinds of nice.
- Oats – Oats are renowned for being the best breakfast for your body in part because of ability to breakdown over time which reduces hunger. It’s also been recorded to lower bad cholesterol. Win-win.
- Honey – We have a lot to thank those bees for. Honey is not only ridiculously tasty, it also anti-bacterial, can reduce coughs and sore throats, alleviate allergies and apparently boosts the memory! Pretty sweet.
- Lemon – Don’t be afraid to top your pancakes with a squirt of lemon juice. Not only does it add flavour but it’s packed full of vitamins, strengthen the immune system and great for digestion.
You will need
- 4 oz plain flour
- 2 oz whole wheat flour
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- ½ tsp ground cinnamon
- ¼ tsp salt
- 8 oz whole milk
- 3 tbsp honey
- 1 large egg
- 2 oz cup rolled oats
- Coconut oil for the pan
- Mix the plain flour, the whole wheat flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt together in a bowl.
- Add the honey, egg and milk into a separate bowl and beat together until the honey has dissolved into the mixture.
- Add together the two mixtures and stir until just combined. Don’t worry if it’s lumpy, this is okay!
- When you’re ready, slowly add in the rolled oats.
- Preheat your pan over a low heat and add enough coconut oil to lightly cover the base.
- Taking about 1/6 of the mixture, pour onto the heated pan.
- This mixture is fairly runny so cook for roughly 2-3 minutes until you see small bubbles on the pancake. We recommend a low heat so that it has time to cook but not burn.
- Flip on to the opposite side and cook until golden.
- Don’t worry if they burn slightly, it’s a given with this mixture and doesn’t ruin the taste. We promise!
- Repeat the process with the remaining batter and don’t forget to add more coconut oil to the pan if you need it.
- Eat as soon as you can and enjoy!