Take Your Dog to Work Day – Our Mascots

In honour of ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’ we’re celebrating our mascots who are with us every step of the way, cheering us on and assisting when needed (they’re surprisingly willing participants). At Sass & Belle HQ we’re often accompanied by a furry fiend in the form of Winston Westwood. Not only is he is the owner of a ridiculously cool name but he’s also an adorable, lovable beast with the best hair in the office. If you’ve popped into the Brighton store in recent months then you will have probably noticed a cute little puppy making regular visits and poking out of a coat. This is Spud Pettitt, a scruffy little pup whose as energetic as she is pretty. It’s a shame she’s not for sale because she’d be a bestseller! When she’s not wooing the crowds of cooing fans she can be quite helpful too, trying her hand at all sorts of tasks. We hound Winston on the secrets behind his luscious locks while little Spud shows us her average day on the shop floor…
An interview with Winston Westwood
Who is your biggest inspiration?
My (human) Daddy is my biggest inspiration. He’s just brilliant. He takes me for a walk every morning and he plays wrestling with me and gives me extra treats when my Mummy isn’t looking. I love my Daddy a lot and spend most of my time with him.
Describe your average day…
Work days are pretty boring. My doggy friends tell me I’m lucky that both my Daddy and my Mummy take me to work with them, so I don’t often have to stay at home on my own, but being in the office all day can be pretty dull. I usually just nap under desks. Sometimes I get to go to meetings, but I usually nap in those too. My morning and evening walks are the best bits of the day. And dinner time. I love dinner time!
Rumour has it in the office that you’re becoming something of a mascot. How would you respond to that?
Am I?! I didn’t know that! I didn’t think people even noticed when I was at S&B HQ. I’m very honoured. I think I make a much better mascot than those owls people are always talking about.
Do you feel there is a lot of pressure with the role?
Pressure? I don’t know what that is.
You have gorgeous hair, is it high maintenance?
Not really. These waves are all natural. I find bathing in pond water really enhances the texture of my hair though.
Has anyone told you, you resemble Pat Sharp…?
All the time! I’ve no idea who Pat Sharp is, but people often shout ‘it’s Pat Sharp!’ at me. He must be very handsome.
What is your favourite Sass & Belle product?
The Reserved for the Dog cushion. I really need this at home, my Daddy is always trying to steal my spot on the sofa!
What do you do in your spare time?
I play with my best friend Beano in the park and I bark at next door’s cat to tell her not to come into my garden. I hate it when she comes into my garden. And I like to cuddle. I love cuddles.
If you could be any animal for a day, what animal would you be?
What could possibly be better than being a dog?
Are you a fan of our blog?
Only when I’m on it. The other blog posts don’t really speak to me.
Your photo is everywhere these days, would you define yourself as a celebrity?
Is being a celebrity what you are when people recognise you in the park and in the pub? If so, then yes, I suppose I must be.
How do you stay grounded?
My legs are quite small, so I can’t really jump very high.
We love to stay social at Sass & Belle, what’s your favourite app?
Instagram, obviously. I’m on that a lot!
Do you enjoy ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’?
Well, every day is take your dog to work day for me isn’t it? It’s definitely better than not being taken to work. Unless it’s a weekend. They’re the best days.
You’re right about that! Thanks for chatting with us Winston.
A Day in the Life of Spud Pettitt

Often we head to Sass & Belle to go and visit my sisters. They’re always there working away. I know my way to the shop now and love to run up the steps ahead of whoever I’m with to greet the girls behind the till. It’s like a race. The girls know who I am now so they don’t mind if I go to the VIP areas where customers can’t really go. I love the customers, they make me feel special and give me lots of pats. I’ve served quite a few and I do like the chat but I couldn’t do it all day because I like to sleep too much.
Once or twice I’ve chewed at some of the storage crates on the shop floor, I regret it now but at the time it was so much fun. My favourite part is at the end of the day when they sweep. That broom is damn good fun to play with! I like to pretend it’s another dog and we fight. I do loves other dogs but some dogs are really serious and don’t want to play games with me. I don’t mind though because there are always humans who are willing. I do love a bath before bed, it sets me up for my twelve hour sleep so when that sun rises, I am ready for another day assisting the girls at Sass & Belle.
Thanks to Spud and Winston for giving us an insight into their crazy lives as Sass & Belle mascots. They’re as charming as they are cute! If you’re celebrating ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’ then do share your pictures and tales as we’d love to see what you got up too (and we are sure Winston and Spud would too)!