The EU - Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Unless you've been living under a rock, you may be aware that the EU Referendum will be taking place on Thursday 23rd June. Now we’re not going to pretend that politics is our forte; masters of giftware we may be, but political wizards we are not! We do, however, acknowledge the importance the EU referendum and how voting in or out affects our lives and the future of the country. A few weeks back the affable Chuka Umanna came to our office to encourage us to all vote to stay part of the EU. We never say no to a party, and an opportunity to eat cake, so we went wild making our office fit for a politician. Here is a rundown of what we got up to.
Less is more may not have been a saying we remembered when we decorated the office for Chuka. With our very own Vintage Map collection, it would a travesty to not go with the EU theme. At Sass & Belle we take a theme and we run with it. Over the top we went and we must say we outdid ourselves: Chuka was impressed. We could tell he was eyeing up the wash bag. Sorry to disappoint mate, but this bad boy won’t be out until AW16.
If you aren’t acquainted with the Sass & Belle mascot, Winston, then let us direct you to this interview right here. (He’s done a spot of modelling for us too). He showed up to the event because he’s quite interested in all this EU lark (and a good spread) and of course he was the centre of attention! How could he not be wearing that very stylish bandanna? He also came equipped with a few questions for Chuka. We’re pretty sure we spotted a budding bromance developing.
In honour of our highly anticipated guest (Chuka, not Winston) we got our bake on, but this was a spread with a difference. Within our company we are lucky enough to have a lovely group of staff that are from a diverse range of backgrounds. This makes for fun when talking about traditions, native sayings, or being privy to hearing the eclectic range of accents that fill our office every day. Above all (yep we’re about to talk about food again) it means, that when we put on a spread, there is a wide variety of dishes. We asked everyone in Sass & Belle HQ to bring in one dish from their country (we told you: we choose a theme and we run with it). Lemon drizzle, French cheese, Portuguese tarts, Polish pate, and Victoria sponge: it was all there. And yes they were all delicious.
Now down to the nitty gritty. What did Chuka have to say? Well we asked lots of questions and he gave us lots of answers. He is very passionate about staying in the EU and articulated his points perfectly. It was a great exercise for those who have concerns about staying in, or for those who weren’t very sure. Chuka was a lovely guest, although we’re still very disappointed he didn’t try any of our cake. Not that we hold a grudge or anything, it just meant more for us!
To find out more about the EU referendum visit BBC. If you’re over 18 and a UK citizen then don’t forget to vote on Thursday 23rd June.