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Finding the perfect gift around Christmas time can be tough, particularly for the person who has everything! Striking the balance and gifting something which it thoughtful, original, imaginative and practical is an art but don’t fear. At Sass & Belle, we’re gifting experts and we’re here to help. Gifts in a jar are the perfect way to personalise a fun and thoughtful present.
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Oh we do love a reason to celebrate and eat more sweets than is medically advised. And that, though not the only reason, is why we love Halloween. There is something nostalgic about the holiday and, at Sass & Belle, we feel as though we revert back to our childhood. The pumpkin carving, preparing your costume, trick or treating, or even a night in watching your favourite spooky movie: all of these playful activities contribute to why Halloween is one of our favourite times of the year! To get prepared and in the mood for spooks we have got an extremely simple and fun activity which will make the perfect sweet treat for you or your guests. It involves lots of candy and is an enjoyable recipe to make. We hope you have as much fun making these as we did!
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Our Sass & Belle original Wildflower Collection is utterly dreamy. Celebrating the individual blossom, it features delicate illustrations which create a romantic pattern. Because of the romantic nature of the print, these items from the collection are perfect for wedding displays. Taking inspiration for wildflowers, we’ve created a wedding table using our favourite pieces from the range. We want to give you a bundle of ideas for setting tables and event displays, and bring the loveliness that is the Wildflower collection to life! So without further do, let’s get cracking…
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We don’t know about you but at Sass & Belle, we love Christmas decorations! We also adore sweet treats so we thought it was absolutely integral that now the festive season is upon us, we do a little DIY on edible Christmas decorations. Gingerbread is an obvious choice because of its Christmassy connotations, lasting power and, most importantly, deliciousness. Now who can resist that? Just make sure you make enough so you don’t have a half empty tree by Christmas Eve!
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On Friday, it may have been a very dreary and wet July afternoon but we were having fun and frolics in the shelter of Sass & Belle HQ! To raise money for Breast Cancer Care we held our very own Strawberry Tea – all part of Breast Cancer Care’s Summer fundraiser. Our ordinary conference room was transformed to a pretty room full of scrumptious treats! There were strawberries aplenty and lots of sugary goodness which we happily indulged in. We baked, we put up bunting, we drank (a lot) of Pimms and most importantly we donated. Here are some tips from our bakers, pictures of the big day and a little bit about how Breast Cancer Care is changing lives…
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