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Our Sass & Belle original Wildflower Collection is utterly dreamy. Celebrating the individual blossom, it features delicate illustrations which create a romantic pattern. Because of the romantic nature of the print, these items from the collection are perfect for wedding displays. Taking inspiration for wildflowers, we’ve created a wedding table using our favourite pieces from the range. We want to give you a bundle of ideas for setting tables and event displays, and bring the loveliness that is the Wildflower collection to life! So without further do, let’s get cracking…
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At Sass & Belle we like to make people smile and when we envisaged making gingerbread houses we thought we'd make you smile…in a different way. While we're rather good at making pretty giftware it appears we're not quite so good at making gingerbread houses. You can't deny they're charming but they certainly aren’t the Pinterest worthy beauties we hoped they would be. If you would like to follow suite and attempt to make gingerbread houses, then please read on. As they say, it's the taking part that counts, right??
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At Christmas time it is all about the little details maximizing an effect and the finishing touches to make your display extra special. We don’t know about you but at Sass & Belle a huge part of our Christmas day revolves around Christmas dinner and setting the table for the big event can be extremely fun and rewarding. Especially when the guest are cooing ‘oh it looks lovely’ before they’ve even set eyes on the turkey! Here’s are some tips and tricks on how to make the Christmas table stand out.
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At Sass & Belle we love to celebrate and wholeheartedly enjoy any occasion, so you can imagine how much we adore Christmas? Everything about it is magical, including Father Christmas and his reindeer (how do they do it?). Read our list of things we love about Christmas and no doubt you’ll be feeling Christmassy by the end! Here are 25 things we love about Christmas...
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We don’t know about you but at Sass & Belle, we love Christmas decorations! We also adore sweet treats so we thought it was absolutely integral that now the festive season is upon us, we do a little DIY on edible Christmas decorations. Gingerbread is an obvious choice because of its Christmassy connotations, lasting power and, most importantly, deliciousness. Now who can resist that? Just make sure you make enough so you don’t have a half empty tree by Christmas Eve!
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