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Halloween is nearly upon! We adore the spooky festivities and in honour of the celebration we got a little crafty with some pumpkins. While we love the tradition of carving a pumpkin, we thought we’d mix things up this year. Let’s just say we challenged ourselves to make Halloween pretty, and we think we succeeded!
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Are you curious what type of interior style you have? Sometimes there are so many pretty things to chose from it can be overwhelming! To you help you decide what home trend is for you we have complied a quiz which we hope will give you all of your answers! It’s fun, too!
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Sometimes it’s completely and utterly necessary to give your work space a bit of a face-lift (and nothing at all to do with procrastination, honest). Having a lovely space to work in can completely affect your productivity and mood; in fact having an organised and functional desk can shave hours off your day. Just a little sprinkle of love here and something pretty there and you’ll feel a whole lot better about finishing that spreadsheet/phone call/email etc. Follow our simple and easy tricks to make your stationery pretty as a picture and the entire office will be swarming around desperate for you to share your secrets. Our key ingredient? Wrapping paper!
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On Friday, it may have been a very dreary and wet July afternoon but we were having fun and frolics in the shelter of Sass & Belle HQ! To raise money for Breast Cancer Care we held our very own Strawberry Tea – all part of Breast Cancer Care’s Summer fundraiser. Our ordinary conference room was transformed to a pretty room full of scrumptious treats! There were strawberries aplenty and lots of sugary goodness which we happily indulged in. We baked, we put up bunting, we drank (a lot) of Pimms and most importantly we donated. Here are some tips from our bakers, pictures of the big day and a little bit about how Breast Cancer Care is changing lives…
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Today marks the first day of Wimbledon and the weather couldn’t be better! During the next two weeks our favourite tennis players will battle it out underneath the British sun (and inevitably rain) to be crown the winners of Wimbledon 2015. The tournament is widely celebrated and is a huge part of British summertime, with the most unsuspecting of people becoming tennis fans for the duration of the event. To get in the spirit of things why not host your own Wimbledon party? Follow our tips to ensure you have a right, o’ knees up!
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