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We’re back with the next part of our ongoing Behind-The-Scenes series! This time we’d like to introduce you to the creative mind behind the Patches & Pins collection, fresh and new for Spring/Summer 2018.
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Tis the season of giving and a time to not only be thankful for the little things in life, but to also extend a thought to those who help make our world a better place for those in need. We’re here to give you an insight into the work of our chosen charity, War Child and to let you know how you can help us keep this fantastic organisation doing the wonderful work it does.
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On Friday, it may have been a very dreary and wet July afternoon but we were having fun and frolics in the shelter of Sass & Belle HQ! To raise money for Breast Cancer Care we held our very own Strawberry Tea – all part of Breast Cancer Care’s Summer fundraiser. Our ordinary conference room was transformed to a pretty room full of scrumptious treats! There were strawberries aplenty and lots of sugary goodness which we happily indulged in. We baked, we put up bunting, we drank (a lot) of Pimms and most importantly we donated. Here are some tips from our bakers, pictures of the big day and a little bit about how Breast Cancer Care is changing lives…
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