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One of the latest interior design trends of the year is Bohemian Chic. Bohemian describes a person who lives an unconventional life, is richly artistic and probably well-travelled. As an interiors style, therefore, ‘boho’ is impossible to pin down. If you’re keen to get away from prescribed interiors style and want to personalise your home boho style, here are 5 ways to do it!
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Whether you’re a devoted Earth lover who lives by the laws of sustainability or you’re simply convinced of the happy boosting benefits that come with a nature-infused living space, this one’s for you. Today, we’re taking you on a whirlwind tour of natural-look interior decorating and the world of possibility that comes with going au naturel in your home design.
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There’s nothing quite like the great outdoors to fill your heart with joy! But sometimes it’s nice to stay snuggled up in the comforts of your home. We have a few tips and tricks to add hints of the outside to the inside by keeping it simple and gaining inspiration from plants, landscapes and general wildlife.
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Regardless of whether you’re a huge fan of vintage florals, contemporary geometrics or monochrome styles, we’re going to give you plenty of inspiration for making a style statement with patterns.
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If you’ve been hiding under a rock or lost on an abandoned island, let us fill you in – cactuses have got big. Not as in they have suddenly become giant and are now a threat to the human race, as in they are trending BIG TIME. And we can see why. Versatile and cool, they fit into a range of interior styles and can instantly transform a room. They are also a perfect way to bring the outdoors in, especially for those that are lacking garden space. Another plus is that they are fairly undemanding in terms of care. A water here, a water there and that’s it. This might be a little testing for some people, sure. We've all been subject to the internal questioning of our ability to be a successful adult when we manage to kill a cactus that only needs to be watered once a month. Whether you’re a green fingered gal who’s the queen of plants, or someone that would rather their cactus be as plastic as Regina George, we’ve got you covered. Read on to discover seven fun ways to bring cacti into your home (warning – all alternatives are super cute so be prepared to awww!)
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