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Halloween is nearly upon! We adore the spooky festivities and in honour of the celebration we got a little crafty with some pumpkins. While we love the tradition of carving a pumpkin, we thought we’d mix things up this year. Let’s just say we challenged ourselves to make Halloween pretty, and we think we succeeded!
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If you’re anything like us then you’re always looking for a fresh, new playlist to become obsessed with. Having a soundtrack to your summer is nearly as essential as the sunnies and sunscreen and adds an extra dollop of happiness to the longer days. What else is there for you to BBQ along to, makes you feel better when you’re nursing sunburn, chimes in the background as you make sand castles on the beach and generally fills you with good vibes? We asked some folks at Sass & Belle HQ what their songs of the moment were and have created a playlist of our favourite tunes. It’s an eclectic mix of chart hits and oldies but goodies. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do…
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Everyone loves a toffee apple at Halloween; it's not Halloween without one! So this year, we decided to get spooky in the kitchen and make our very own. Your dentist might not approve, but if there is one time of the year to gorge on sweet treats, Halloween is the time.
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Halloween without a pumpkin is like Christmas without a tree: a travesty. Pumpkins add an element of coziness, charm, and of course spookiness. This week's DIY is inspired by the pumpkin, paying homage to bright treat. A spooky orange, yep that's right, is a perfect alternative to the usual trick or treats sweets or pumpkin decoration. Give away to your visiting neighbours and it will be sure to make them smile.
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