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Bedside tables are an essential part of our bedrooms but it’s easy for them to become cluttered. However, it is possible to turn your table into a feature, using some selected decorative and functional items to keep your bedside looking effortlessly Insta-worthy.
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Regardless of whether you’re a huge fan of vintage florals, contemporary geometrics or monochrome styles, we’re going to give you plenty of inspiration for making a style statement with patterns.
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Unless you've been living under a rock, you may be aware that the EU Referendum will be taking place on Thursday 23rd June. Now we’re not going to pretend that politics is our forte; masters of giftware we may be, but political wizards we are not! We do, however, acknowledge the importance the EU referendum and how voting in or out effects our lives and the future of the country. A few weeks back the affable Chuka Umanna came to our office to encourage us to all vote to stay part of the EU. We never say no to a party, and an opportunity to eat cake, so we went wild making our office fit for a politician. Here is a rundown of what we got up to.
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If you’ve been hiding under a rock or lost on an abandoned island, let us fill you in – cactuses have got big. Not as in they have suddenly become giant and are now a threat to the human race, as in they are trending BIG TIME. And we can see why. Versatile and cool, they fit into a range of interior styles and can instantly transform a room. They are also a perfect way to bring the outdoors in, especially for those that are lacking garden space. Another plus is that they are fairly undemanding in terms of care. A water here, a water there and that’s it. This might be a little testing for some people, sure. We've all been subject to the internal questioning of our ability to be a successful adult when we manage to kill a cactus that only needs to be watered once a month. Whether you’re a green fingered gal who’s the queen of plants, or someone that would rather their cactus be as plastic as Regina George, we’ve got you covered. Read on to discover seven fun ways to bring cacti into your home (warning – all alternatives are super cute so be prepared to awww!)
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At Sass & Belle we like to think of ourselves as fashion forward company who are constantly striving to create homeware that is on-trend and exactly what you, our customers, want. Our creative in-house design team are working hard around the clock to produce products that are design-led and utterly adorable. We stole a minute of their time to ask them what trends are emerging this spring. Read on to see what is in store for the world of interiors this year.
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