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We don’t know about you but at Sass & Belle, we love Christmas decorations! We also adore sweet treats so we thought it was absolutely integral that now the festive season is upon us, we do a little DIY on edible Christmas decorations. Gingerbread is an obvious choice because of its Christmassy connotations, lasting power and, most importantly, deliciousness. Now who can resist that? Just make sure you make enough so you don’t have a half empty tree by Christmas Eve!
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Okay, okay we’re still baking obsessed! As the final of The Great British Bake Off comes closer, our love for cake simultaneously heightens. Content editor Jess shows us her fine baking skills by making a delicious batch of chocolate brownies. They were gone in flash which is the perfect indication of how scrumptious they were.
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On Friday, it may have been a very dreary and wet July afternoon but we were having fun and frolics in the shelter of Sass & Belle HQ! To raise money for Breast Cancer Care we held our very own Strawberry Tea – all part of Breast Cancer Care’s Summer fundraiser. Our ordinary conference room was transformed to a pretty room full of scrumptious treats! There were strawberries aplenty and lots of sugary goodness which we happily indulged in. We baked, we put up bunting, we drank (a lot) of Pimms and most importantly we donated. Here are some tips from our bakers, pictures of the big day and a little bit about how Breast Cancer Care is changing lives…
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Today marks the first day of Wimbledon and the weather couldn’t be better! During the next two weeks our favourite tennis players will battle it out underneath the British sun (and inevitably rain) to be crown the winners of Wimbledon 2015. The tournament is widely celebrated and is a huge part of British summertime, with the most unsuspecting of people becoming tennis fans for the duration of the event. To get in the spirit of things why not host your own Wimbledon party? Follow our tips to ensure you have a right, o’ knees up!
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In honour of ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’ we’re celebrating our mascots who are with us every step of the way, cheering us on and assisting when needed (they’re surprisingly willing participants). At Sass & Belle HQ we’re often accompanied by a furry fiend in the form of Winston Westwood. Not only is he is the owner of a ridiculously cool name but he’s also an adorable, lovable beast with the best hair in the office. If you’ve popped into the Brighton store in recent months then you will have probably noticed a cute little puppy making regular visits and poking out of a coat. This is Spud Pettitt, a scruffy little pup whose as energetic as she is pretty. It’s a shame she’s not for sale because she’d be a bestseller! When she’s not wooing the crowds of cooing fans she can be quite helpful too, trying her hand at all sorts of tasks. We hound Winston on the secrets behind his luscious locks while little Spud shows us her average day on the shop floor…
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