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At Sass & Belle, we strongly believe that cookies are always a good idea, especially as the nights start drawing in and there is a chill in the air. These fun and beautiful sugar biscuits add some seasonal charm to the home and are a tasty way to celebrate the colder months. They’re perfect with a cup of cocoa, too. Light some candles, snuggle up and indulge in these delicious treats.
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One of the many reasons we love Autumn is because of the beautiful colours. Leaves fall turning the ground gold, amber and pink! We’re often wondering how the end of a summer can be so beautiful and colourful. In honour of this, and to pay homage to this year’s trend of bringing the outdoors in, we got creative making mini autumnal-inspired bouquets. They’re super easy to make and a great way to bring some autumn cheer in the home. Sass & Belle’s resident Visual Merchandiser, Caitlin, is not only incredible at creating eye-catching window displays, but she knows a thing or two about floristry as well. Here she shares her tips and tricks with us and shows us, step-by-step, how to make perfect mini bouquets in autumn shades.
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If you’ve been hiding under a rock or lost on an abandoned island, let us fill you in – cactuses have got big. Not as in they have suddenly become giant and are now a threat to the human race, as in they are trending BIG TIME. And we can see why. Versatile and cool, they fit into a range of interior styles and can instantly transform a room. They are also a perfect way to bring the outdoors in, especially for those that are lacking garden space. Another plus is that they are fairly undemanding in terms of care. A water here, a water there and that’s it. This might be a little testing for some people, sure. We've all been subject to the internal questioning of our ability to be a successful adult when we manage to kill a cactus that only needs to be watered once a month. Whether you’re a green fingered gal who’s the queen of plants, or someone that would rather their cactus be as plastic as Regina George, we’ve got you covered. Read on to discover seven fun ways to bring cacti into your home (warning – all alternatives are super cute so be prepared to awww!)
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At Sass & Belle we like to think of ourselves as fashion forward company who are constantly striving to create homeware that is on-trend and exactly what you, our customers, want. Our creative in-house design team are working hard around the clock to produce products that are design-led and utterly adorable. We stole a minute of their time to ask them what trends are emerging this spring. Read on to see what is in store for the world of interiors this year.
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Sometimes Christmas doesn’t truly feel like it has set in until you’ve put up the tree and tinsel. This year we have seen strong Christmas trends such as White Christmas, Traditional, Fun Christmas and Warm Metals becoming more distinctive. With so many beautiful decorations on the market it can be a little overwhelming deciding which theme to follow. This festive season, Sass & Belle have become your little helpers and have created a fun and easy quiz which will help you decide! Enjoy…
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