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Today marks the first day of Wimbledon and the weather couldn’t be better! During the next two weeks our favourite tennis players will battle it out underneath the British sun (and inevitably rain) to be crown the winners of Wimbledon 2015. The tournament is widely celebrated and is a huge part of British summertime, with the most unsuspecting of people becoming tennis fans for the duration of the event. To get in the spirit of things why not host your own Wimbledon party? Follow our tips to ensure you have a right, o’ knees up!
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In honour of ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’ we’re celebrating our mascots who are with us every step of the way, cheering us on and assisting when needed (they’re surprisingly willing participants). At Sass & Belle HQ we’re often accompanied by a furry fiend in the form of Winston Westwood. Not only is he is the owner of a ridiculously cool name but he’s also an adorable, lovable beast with the best hair in the office. If you’ve popped into the Brighton store in recent months then you will have probably noticed a cute little puppy making regular visits and poking out of a coat. This is Spud Pettitt, a scruffy little pup whose as energetic as she is pretty. It’s a shame she’s not for sale because she’d be a bestseller! When she’s not wooing the crowds of cooing fans she can be quite helpful too, trying her hand at all sorts of tasks. We hound Winston on the secrets behind his luscious locks while little Spud shows us her average day on the shop floor…
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To mark the start of British Flowers Week we decided to celebrate the beautiful blossoms with our very own how to. Flowers can make a room and they are often said to change the entire feel of a wedding, thus considered a vital part of the preparations. Dried flowers are currently very on-trend with Brides-to-be. Not only do they add tons of rustic charm, but they last too. This means you can get crafty with them weeks before your big day and your masterpiece won’t wilt.
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Today is Environment Day and to celebrate we are sharing with you our words of wisdom on growing your own herbs. We love to get our fingers green at Sass & Belle, particularly when the sun starts showing its pretty face. We also love herbs and think the addition of treats such as parsley and dill can transform a recipe. Not only is it lovely to grown your own, it helps saves the environment by reducing the transportation of pre-made herbs and thus your carbon footprint becomes that bit lighter. Follow our ‘how to’ and get your hands nice and grubby and green…
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To celebrate moving out of our Shorts Gardens Outlet Store in Covent Garden London, last month, we invited our favourite YouTubers to the store and put on a goodbye ‘do for all our lovely customers.We invited Emma Pickles, Becca Rose, Maddie Bruce and NinkComPoop to the store and challenged them to a 30 second sweep to grab as much as they could in 30 seconds and boy, did they do well!
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