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Of course normally you can expect chocolate eggs and family feasts over Easter, but we worked on something little different for you. We now have pretty Easter Cookie Cutters (available online) which come in super cute packaging making this an ideal surprise gift! Here we’ll show you some fun ways to decorate cookies – you’re going to get your hands dirty! This is also the perfect activity to get little ones involved as well.
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With Easter just around the corner (and many of you being on holiday already) allow us to introduce our Easter DIY mini series exclusive to the blog! This is a great activity for little ones this Easter: a do it yourself pom pom bunny craft kit. This easy and enjoyable kit will keep little hands busy… at least for a little while!
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At Sass & Belle, we like to inspire on the gift front and so we are pretty chuffed with this DIY blog post. Discover how to make a hot chocolate mug that wows your friends and family. These imaginative gifts look fantastic. They can be done on a budget and are perfect because your friend will a beautiful Sass & Belle mug they can use over and over!
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Here’s a different type of Christmas tree decoration that you can make – edible festive gingerbread men! You can make these treats at home and decorate however you wish; you can include personal messages or dress them in festive accessories. After a couple of days (or as long as you can resist waiting!) take them down from the tree and eat with your favourite hot mug of goodness!
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Everyone loves a toffee apple at Halloween; it's not Halloween without one! So this year, we decided to get spooky in the kitchen and make our very own. Your dentist might not approve, but if there is one time of the year to gorge on sweet treats, Halloween is the time.
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