Spread a Little Love This Father’s Day

This Sunday it’s all about your good old Pa and today we’re giving you some inspiration on how to spread the love and show him you care. Most Dads are near impossible to buy for, darn right picky or even assert ‘I don’t want anything’ (they’re just saying that, if you ask us). And while we’ve been taught to listen to our old man, when it comes to this we recommend you ignore his request and treat him anyway. Remember, it’s all about the little things in life and we’re certain he deserves it! Here’s a list of gestures of love he’ll appreciate…
Make a Cuppa
Nothing says I love you like a cuppa tea. Fact. Tea makes everything better. Where there is tea there is hope. Good things happen over tea. You get the picture but a small gesture such as making a cuppa tea might just be his cuppa tea (okay we’ll stop now, promise).
Give Him a Photo
What better way to say thanks that a reminder of all the good times you’ve shared? Pop in a favourite photo of you and your Dad in a nice frame and voila. Bob’s your uncle…or should we say Bob’s your dad?!
Cook a Dinner
Is your Father more of a fancy man and a cuppa tea isn’t quite going to cut it? If this is the case grab your most cherished cook book and create a feast he’ll be chatting about until next year. If you make some of his favourite grub, you’re sure to be the golden child by the time you get to dessert.
Get a Little Token Gift
Scared your culinary skills might offend rather than delight? Have no fear, a little token gift like this adorable I Love You Dad Wood Plaque will go down a treat. It doesn’t pull on the purse strings but will definitely pull on the heartstrings. He is a best dad after all.
Watch a Movie
Reserve your Dad’s beloved spot on the sofa and indulge him in his favourite movie. He’ll relish in the control of the TV and if he’s anything like our Dads, he’ll love to hark back to ‘back in my day’ while the Clint Eastwood Western rolls on in the background.
Share a Moment
Why not make this Father’s Day extra special and get some tickets to see a show? It’ll be the perfect way to express your appreciation and you’ll be guaranteed to have to a good night too. It’s a win-win.
Say Thanks
Nothing says ‘Dad you’re awesome’ like actually saying ‘Dad you’re awesome’! Ring, text, write, sing, you could even do an interpretive dance; whatever your chosen mode of communication just deliver the message ‘I love you’ in some way and he’ll be smiling all day.